Thursday, December 19, 2013


Gang, I've found myself somewhat preoccupied with the world of social media. Time to unplug. Perhaps I'll return after I get shit sorted out in the real world.
Thanks all. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Holiday Hiatus announcement

I am so glad there are some folks out there reading my page, but unfortunately I'm going to have to take the week off from producing these strips. See, it's tech week for the Peoria Ballet's Nutcracker performance, in which I have a heavy involvement backstage and even a slight involvement onstage.
With all the hubbub ramping up for our six performances this week, the nasty little bastards you know as the Dirty Peanutz will have to take a back seat until Monday, December 16.
See you on the other side!

Monday, December 2, 2013


Took the weekend off for the holiday. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Now, back to it...

Monday, November 25, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Sorry for the delay, folks. Had a HUGE home improvement project going. I will be back on schedule now. Hope it was worth the wait. See you again tomorrow!

Monday, November 11, 2013


Sorry folks. I need a day or two off from warping my beloved comics because I've got a killer home improvement project coming to a head, starting today.

I shall return soon with foulness aplenty.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I swear to all that's holy, this one is not Photoshopped at all. It's just as it originally ran in 1974 and again in 2000. Talk about your double entendre. I couldn't have written it better myself.

Monday, October 21, 2013


This one is actually a bonus strip - never before released. I figured I'd shake things up a bit in the midst of posting recycled strips from my original Facebook posts. Plus it's a fun callback to my very first Peanutz strip.

Friday, October 11, 2013



Let's get one thing clear: I love the Peanuts. This page is a tribute.

I have been a huge fan of this strip since I learned to read. Many a rainy childhood day was spent indoors soaking up my secondhand and hand-me-down Fawcett-Crest Peanuts paperbacks, which I still have (and continue to accumulate) and I still reread on occasion. There will always be a special place in my heart for Charlie Brown, Snoopy and the whole gang. They remind me of the innocence and wonder of childhood.

However, I've grown up now. My sense of humor has... mutated... a bit. Don't get me wrong--I still appreciate the strips as written, but sometimes I step back and look at the panels and think, "That would be even funnier if..." Maybe you'll agree; maybe not. Some might say I've defaced, disrespected and dishonored a beloved American pop icon. Some might appreciate the stark contrast of what once was versus what it's become. I take the innocence of a 1950s-1990s newspaper comic strip about small children, and I age and twist what comes out in their word balloons so that they might be discussing sex, booze, tattoos, drugs, R-rated films, etc.

It's not for everyone. If the thought of Peppermint Patty discussing her STD diagnosis with her gay lover turns you off, then don't read further. Navigate away from this page. it will only piss you off. No, actually it might nauseate you as well. If, on the other hand, you think that might be funny, then look no further!

After defacing over a dozen of the original Charles Schulz strips and posting them on my Facebook page and my primary blog, I realized that with 50 years of material to draw upon, there could possibly be no end in sight for this hobby of mine. That's when I decided to birth this page. I'll start off by going through my "back catalog" of strips from my Facebook posts, hopefully on a daily basis. I'll skip the extended Sunday strips, though. Even divine beings need a day off--or so they say. Then in a few weeks I'll move on to new, previously unreleased (at least in this condition) stuff.

I guess I'll keep going with this little venture unless someone representing the Peanuts asks me to stop. I see it as Fair Use, but I wouldn't want to piss off Charlie Brown. He's my buddy. If he didn't get the joke and asked me to stop, I would do so solely out of respect for him & the gang.

So until such a time comes, I hope you enjoy what I've created. Have fun.